Mr. Gregorios Michailopoulos represented the applicant at the hearing before the Council of State of the application for annulment of the amending contracts of the concession of the four highways. Mr. Gregorios Michailopoulos represented the applicant at the hearing before the Council of State of...
Mr. Michailopoulos has been invited, among prominent representatives of the legal and business community, to share our firm’s experience and points of view upon investments in today’s Greece. The conference aims at highlighting the challenges and opportunities that the Greece offers through the existing legal...
MICHAILOPOULOS & ASSOCIATES law firm is glad to announce its contribution to the publishing of the latest version of ‘Greek Law Digest’. The two legal articles that have been edited by our firm partners discuss the crucial fields of Investments and Public Contracts , which are at the core...
Mr. Michailopoulos has been invited by the Centre for European Constitutional Law in Athens to deliver a lecture on 20th October 2016 regarding the recently introduced Law 4412/2016 and the new legal framework on public procurement. The seminar will focus on selected topics regarding the purchase of goods and supply of services.
The Law “Creation of a Development Friendly Environment for Strategic and Private Investments” (4146/2013) of the Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, facilitates the residence of investors in Greece through the granting of residence permits for executives of Strategic Investment projects. In addition, third-country citizens...
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.
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